The hiatus is over. John, the carpenter, worked several weeks finishing the fourteen drawers under the workbenches. Plus adding fencing to partition off the Forge area. Then the molding and then the painting. Come by and see his nice work.

And inside

I’ve been forging drawer pulls. Still have some to do.

Plus I am very excited to have found a small stock metal supplier. I have forged some new items. I am very pleased how the delicate heart with a twist turned out. Check it out.
I continue to get organized in the studio. Putting away tools and then remembering where you put them is the current challenge.
I will be able to have more consistent hours. I plan to forge in the cooler morning hours. Then weave chain mail jewelry or work on others creations later in the day. The open flag flying is a sure indication. If you’re coming from a distance it is still wise to call or email. As the old New England antique dealers were wont to say, “Open by Chance or Appointment.”